
This is The Sam Zone, a place for me to post my stuff! Particularly stuff that’s personal, incomplete, and open source.

This is the seed for a little digital garden.

So thanks for coming! Feel free to reach out on fedi or send me an electronic mail at sam@thesam.zone :).

Adventures in Telephotography

Hello! I haven’t posted in a long time. Let’s not worry about that. A couple of months ago, I went on a little trip to The Biggest Week in American Birding.…

Talking About my Bones: Typing with Radioulnar Synostosis

I’ve got something interesting about me: my bones don’t quite work right! Put your arm straight out in front of you, with your hand limp.…

Meditations on Dependencies

I’ve got a long road ahead of me, and I’m getting a little overwhelmed. so it’s time for me to write it down!…

Beryl.md: A Journey Towards Building an Extensible Todo List App

Hello! It’s been about six months since I had the initial idea for Beryl. I’ve been having a blast working on bringing it to life, but almost none of it is worth anybody actually trying to use.…

Pruning Fruit Trees

I got the opportunity to take a workshop on how to prune fruit trees! Here are the notes I took during that workshop.…

The Land and The Flame

Hi, this is half vent, half working out my thoughts. The tone is less than positive. I’m going to write in general terms about some of the things I’ve observed.…

I ran my first one-shot in TinyD6 and it was Amazing

Back in late December, I joined some old friends in a regular D&D campaign. It’s been a really good time. The group is great, and the DM is really creative.…

2023 Office Tour!

Hello! I recently finished my office after about 6 months of work. I want to post a quick tour, mostly so I can look back on it down the road.…

Minetest: A Game that's MINE

I’ve played Minecraft extremely casually for awhile. Recently I’ve moved to a linux main computer Tried out Minetest(specefically Mineclone2), its surprisingly good!…

Introducing Beryl: a Markdown Todo List

tl;dr: I want to make Obsidian, but for todo lists. It’s a spiritual successor to todo.txt I lean pretty hard on todo lists.…